Day #6 With No Food
Today I am on Day 6 of a 7 Day Fast. When I was in Chiang Mai I met someone while I was getting a pedicure who did a fast at this newely opened spa resort on the less traveled island of Koh Chang. I figured since for the past three months I have done a good job sampling the local food and beer and then some, it might be a good way to wind down my trip and set myself on a healthy path. The resort itself is set inland from the beach and there is a pool we can use if it isn't pouring rain as it has been (we were thrilled to finally see sun today). Twice a week there is a van that takes us to the beach area for three hours if we need to buy things in town, etc. It's funny because when we all climb in we feel like we are getting a field trip from an institution for a few days.
Of course it's not that bad but let me describe you what the day is like. At 7am I must wake up to drink my first detox drink of the day that I take every 3 hours, the last one being at 7pm. Sometimes that is followed by morning yoga but then of course another detox drink and then the first colonic. Oh I forgot the pills that start at 8:30 that go every three hours until 8:30pm. Sometimes it can be hard to remember what time to do what. In the afternoon if there is sun, then we enjoy the pool but if not usually reading or watching movies or maybe getting a massage. There really isn't anything else to do around here and in this state, you don't really have the energy for much else. Later, another colonic, another detox drink and then a movie and usually fall asleep around 10. Besides the detox drink we are allowed to drink coconut water, carrot-pineapple juice, and a flavorless veggie broth that you can spice up with Thai herbs twice a day. If you don't know what a colonic is, don't make me tell you. I will spare you the details but it is something my cohorts and I discuss amongst ourselves daily. Ok, moving on.
I'm the only American here besides the Yoga instructor. In fact traveling I have only met three other Americans. There are about 15 other people here and about 8 of us have become friends, almost all of them are from England. We are all going through the same thing everyday and as you can imagine, nearly all of our conversations are about food. After a while we have to change the subject! Everyone has begun their fast on different days so everyday we see someone go and a newcomer arrive. Tomorrow is my last day of the fast and on Sunday I break it. Monday I head of to Bangkok for a few days where I will try my best to put good food in my empty stomach. I am feeling actually pretty good for someone who hasn't eaten. But man, a steak and salad would be great about now. With a glass of good red wine followed by something involving chocolate....yum.